Hitachi is the global leader in open MRI, worldwide, and has state-of-the-art, permanent magnet technology in more than 4,000 installations. All of our open MRI systems minimise direct and indirect power consumption, with magnets and gradients which optimise efficiency. All Hitachi permanent systems perform at the highest level of diagnostic imaging, without the aid of a costly water cooling unit.

All Hitachi magnets are developed to have the lowest-possible weight for its field strength, making them easy to accommodate. Our specialised project mangers tailor MRI solutions, during early stages of the decision cycle, and maintain customer clarity. Every location is checked and evaluated by MRI specialists and structural engineers, to ensure easy siting.

A site survey is carried out for each system and then our project management ensures that the installation itself runs smoothly and efficiently. Every MRI system is installed to fulfil the manufacturer's and customer's requirements without compromises now and in the future.

Echelon, Hitachi's premium MRI system, has RADAR imaging, the most advanced technology, to acquire diagnostic images of uncooperative patients. It can be applied in all slice-plane orientations and to all coils.

The Echelon also employs RAPID imaging, our state-of-the-art parallel-imaging technology, reducing scan times without compromising SNR, CNR or patient motion.


Please ensure that you conform to the national regulations of the country where your platform is installed. Hitachi recommends annual inspection (including an electrical safety test) and maintenance. This inspection and maintenance should be carried out by trained Hitachi Medical Systems personnel or an equivalent representative.

Normally, platforms are MDD class IIa.

Electrical safety: Class 1 equipment is classified according to the type of protection against electric shock. B/BF equipment is classified according to the degree of protection against electric shock conforming to IEC60601-1 (General Requirements for safety of Medical Electrical Equipment by International Electrotechnical Commission).To prevent electric shock, directly connect the platform's power cable to the three-wire power outlet which protects the earth terminal (with less than 10Ω grounding resistance) of the grounding facility.

Contact the Hitachi Medical Systems office or representative in the country where you purchased your platform. If this is not possible, please use the contact form on this Web site. It is important to include which platform you have in the reference window, to ensure that your e-mail is not mistaken for spam.

Yes, provided that the network option has been installed.


ECLOS, Hitachi’s latest CT system, uses leading-edge technology to protect users and patients.

Adaptive mA is real-time X-ray dose-reduction technology which flexes with patient size and absorption rate, without compromising outstanding image quality. In minimising image noise, it enables effective, low-X-ray-dose examinations.

There are more than 10,000 Hitachi CT installations worldwide. We welcome and apply customers’ feedback to product development. Recent findings showed that supporting software tools have become increasingly important to professionals; this drove the development of the new FatPointer® and Risk Pointer.

Risk Pointer evaluates lung examinations quickly and effectively, using colour for clarity.

With the world’s population becoming increasingly aware of its diet, it is important to know patients’ exact and diagnostic ratio of subcutaneous and visceral fat levels. FatPointer is a one-click analysis tool to maximise ease of use and efficiency.

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