FUJIFILM MRI Echelon Oval | Wide bore

The widest 1.5T MRI system is here with Fujifilm, The Echelon Oval.

With the cutting edge design of 74cm oval bore, the system is designed around the shape of the human body, allowing for an optimal patient experience with outstanding comfort, space and efficiency.

With Workflow Integrated Technology (WIT) and advanced imaging capabilities, ECHELON OVAL is the ideal solution for patient accessibility, improved workflow and greater diagnostic confidence.



The Oval-shaped Bore

Hitachi's dedication to improving the quality of patient care led to a new innovation in MRI scanning - Oval Technology.
As patient lies down for a MRI scan, their body assumes an oval shape hence the oval-shaped bore has expanded to 74cm in the horizontal direction to pursure comfortable examination environment.

WIT (Workflow Integrated Technology)

The dockable "WIT Mobile Table" allow patients to be comfortable docked to the system until it is their turn to be scanned.
The table is dockable not only from a front direction but also from an oblique direction.
The design has improved its usability and compactness of the scan room layout.

Echelon Oval provides the essential acquisition and post processing tools for high-quality imaging of the brain. High resolution, fast motion compensated visualization of anatomical structures for obtaining detailed images of the brain and nerve tissues with RAPID-RADAR and ADAGE for the diagnosis of lesions and disorders.

Fast and reproducible neurosvascular assessments with BSI and BeamSat TOF to evaluate blood vessels and blood flow.

isoFSE is an optimized 3D FSE isotropic acquisition with a selectable mode for targeting fluid or tissue, providing high resolution data sets with varying tissues contrasts.

Acquire images in the optimal plane (shortest scan time, less artifacts) and then reformat into any plane or slice thickness right at the console using multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) with the same resolution (both In-plane and through-plane) as the original acquisition.

Echelon Oval delivers enhancements in dynamic, diffusion weighted, and motion compensated imaging to aid diagnosis in a breadth of applications including liver, kidney, prostate, breast and cardiac.

1.5 Tesla high-field MRI with 74cm oval bore

Short-bore, super-conductive magnet

High homogeneity

Zero Cryogen Boil-Off Technology

34mT/m 150T/m/s gradients

Optical RF system technology

WIT mobile table