FUJIFILM MRI Trillium Oval 3T | Wide bore

The Future of 3T MRI

Trillium Oval combines cutting edge workflow technologies, with the most advanced imaging tech to capture anatomical detail of exceptional clarity.

The Widest Oval Bore 3T MRI

Thanks to its unique oval patient bore at 74cm wide, the system also provides unprecedented comfort and space for patients of any size. With patients feeling more relaxed, it means less anxiety which allows high-precision imaging for the best image quality.

Exceptional Performance, Outstanding Clarity

Wide-bore without compromise

Hitachi’s innovation replaces the traditional narrow bore MR with an industry leading wide bore that maintains excellent magnetic field homogeneity.

Precise magnetic field control

With OVAL Drive gradient coil, optimum and precised tilt magnetic field is generated by extending the examination space in the horizontal direction using proprietary analytic/optimisation technologies.

Proprietary RF irradiation technologies

Equipped with ‘QUARTET’ RF irradiation system, Trillium Oval adopts an RF irradiation coil capable of controlling 4ch - 4port independently. With blink scan, a high-speed RF irradiation distribution acquisition technology, four channels can be optimally adjusted to fix irradiation unevenness resulting in high-quality diagnostic images.

With the Workflow Integrated Technology (WIT), Trillium Oval is equipped with a full suite of efficiency-focused and patient-friendly features which optimize the entire imaging process.

WIT Mobile Table

Electromotive elevating bed which can be easily attached to/detached from the gantry provides the utmost convenience for patients.

WIT RF Coil System

Embedded bed coil with high-sensitivity reception allows easy positioning of the coil without need of cables for the best imaging sensitivity.