FUJIFILM MRI Echelon Smart

The enlightened choice for high-field MRI

ECHELON Smart is Hitachi’s smart MRI concept which combines ‘SmartQUALITY’ for superb clinical images and sophisticated applications, ‘SmartSPEED’ for reduced examination time, ‘SmartCOMFORT’ for an extraordinary quiet patient experience, ‘SmartECO’ for low running costs and ‘SmartSPACE’ to offer the smallest possible installation footprint.

Ecological & economical running cost with SmartECO

Superconductive MRI systems generally command high running costs. 
This cost is mainly related to the high power consumption of the cooling system necessary to maintain superconductivity. 
ECHELON Smart is equipped with an energy saving function that can stop the cooling system for a certain length of time during periods of non-use or on non-consultation days. This function effectively reduces the power consumption whilst maintaining zero boiling off of the helium. 
Moreover, as the heat emission from the cooling system itself also decreases during these periods, the power consumption of its heat-dissipating unit is also cut.

Patient-friendly quiet examination with SmartCOMFORT

Various technologies exist to reduce MRI imaging noise. However, low-noise MRI systems often compromise on image quality or extend imaging time, making them unsuitable for routine use. 
Other approaches need special hardware that prevents their widespread acceptance. 
Hitachi’s SmartCOMFORT noise reduction technology reduces the imaging noise by up to 94%*.

*Varies with the imaging conditions

NeuroVascular clincal Images

MSK Clincal Images

1.5T superconducting system

Powerful RF chain

50cm FOV in all axis

High quality, whole body imaging applications that matter most to your practice

Multiple coil connectors available on the motorized patient table for highly sensitive receiver coils

Fully motorized patient table

SoftSound™ Technology for silent gradients

SmartCOMFORT Technology

Zero Boil Off

Low energy consumption (Eco Mode)

Small installation footprint